May 4, 2009
Hello, it's been a long, pretty good week. We've met a lot of new people. We got a couple inactive members, coming back to church. I took 100,000 Colones out of the new card because I was out of money and my mission card that the mission puts money on every month had some problems so they are getting me a new one.
I received the package just in time. I was out of money and would have starved so thanks. The pictures are good too. If you haven´t sent the package yet then make sure to stuff it with candy. How is everyone. I can´t write more. Out of time. I´ll try to send pics home in a CD this week, along with my blue suit and the trench coat. all you sisters keep working hard in everything you do. Congratulations on your awards and good bye.
" The real secret of happiness in life and the way in which to prepare ourselves for the hereafter is service. I am converted to the thought that the way to peace and happiness in life is by giving service. Service is the true key, I believe, to happiness, because when we perform labors like missionary work, all the rest of our lives we can look back upon our accomplishments in the mission field. When we perform any acts of kindness, they bring a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure into our hearts, while ordinary amusements pass away" ~Heber G. Grant
"El verdadero secreto de la felicidad en la vida y la forma de prepararnos para la vida venidera es prestar servicio al prójimo. Creo firmemente que el camino que conduce a la paz y a la felicidad en la vida es prestar servicio. Creo que el servicio es la verdadera clave de la felicidad, por motivo de que cuando llevamos a cabo labores como la obra misional, durante el resto de nuestra vida miramos hacia esa época y recordamos lo que realizamos en el campo misional. Cuando efectuamos actos bondadosos, sentimos satisfacción y placer en el alma, en tanto que los entretenimientos y las diversiones pasan y desaparecen." ~ Heber G. Grant